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Fever types and homeopathy

  Fever types and homeopathy Fever is a common symptom that indicates an underlying health issue. It is the body's natural response to infection or illness, as it raises the body's temperature to help fight off the invading pathogens. There are several types of fevers, and each type can have a different course and modality. A homeopathy is an alternative form of medicine that can effectively treat fevers and their underlying causes. In this blog, we will discuss the types of fevers, their courses and modalities, and how homeopathy can help. Types of Fevers: 1.ntermittent Fever : This type of fever is characterized by a temperature that alternates between normal and high. The fever spikes occur at regular intervals. 2.Remittent Fever : This type of fever is characterized by a temperature that fluctuates throughout the day. The fever spikes occur without any regular pattern. 3.Continuous Fever: This type of fever is characterized by a constant high temperature that does not fluc
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